Friday, October 29, 2010

Puritan Society Vs American Society ( Siblings or Distant relatives?)

                Nowadays Americans see puritans as a harsh, aggressive, strict, and overly dramitic people. They feared anything that would change the ideas of their society and had a strong sense of holy justice. Those who are considered to be witches or those who disagree with their way of life are executed or brutily punished. When we see that from an American stand point it seems completely barbarish. Yet is it really succh outlandish behavior?
                To this day Puritanism has played some role socially, politically, and culturally in our society. Their ideas have only been shifted or modified to go along with modern society. Such as the sense of justice and fair trial. Usually if someone was convicted of a crime or witchcraft, they are subject to a trial where they can try to prove their innocence. That is now also available in todays American society but modified to remove the witchcraft portion of it.
               Puritan society may also appear to be grusome yet it worked. People behaved and society went on with little crime or destruction. This slightly shifted into American society since is not really the wrath of god the people fear but fear of breaking the laws in America. So instead of using gods wrath and  testaments to be the peoples rule, America has created laws similer to those testiments or of based of the testaments to create their laws. Whether people know it or not but American laws have some slighly connection to religion. Such as people who believe that stealing is wrong because of their religion so it becomes an international law.

             I do agree with that the legal system has their flaws and is taken advantage of. Yet its not exactly the Puritans fault. Puritans have left behind a legal system that I say was beneficial. Yet its flaws can't be entirely their fault. Over the years people should have added reforms to the system. The Puritans basically left behind the frame and over the years society should of built upon it. So the legal system of our country do have some flaws yet I don't feel that they are entirely outrageous.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Moment i Knew I was An American

                    American is such a vague term. There is no single explanation on what an American is. Ask any two people on what an American is and you'll get two different responses. Yet the moment I knew I was an American was the day I was born in Chicago. Just living in the United States and becoming one with  community I knew I was an American. The moment I went to school with everyone else I knew I was an American. The first time i said the pledge of Allegiance, I knew I was an American.
                   To me being an American doesn't come down to silly papers and identification. To be an American you must of assimilated into society where you accept all others and others accept you. I knew I was an American when the people around me saw me as a person. I know I'm an American when i'm not known as a foreigner but as an equal. When people in America see me as Luis and nothing else, I know i'm an American.
                   So I've always been an American. I know because I was born and raised here. Raised among every other culture that lives within the U.S and I didn't see them as Asian, African, or Middle Eastern. I saw them as Americans because we are all part of the society in America. Sure people may separate you from others but they can't say your not an American. So any really can become an American, it just takes longer for them to realize it themselves.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Us vs. Them... Us and Them

                   Which side would truly win in " Us vs Them". They have the law on there side, but we do whats best for the people. So is doing the right thing over following the rules truly the right decision? This situation come up several times across the Crucible. Mary can't decide to be with them (Abby & the girls) or us(Proctor & the innocent). She could either follow authority but it may result in the loss of innocent lives. She could always do whats right and testify against Abby and save the people but it may fail and she may lose her life. So kill lives and live with it on your conscience or save lives and die trying. In my opinion it might seem better that you died trying to help others by doing the right thing compared to living a lie that will follow you forever. Decisions, decisions....
                  This event exists beyond the Crucible in everyday life. Many times at school itself. Such as peer pressure. Would you be with them (Do everything that "cool" people do) or with us ( Do what you feel is right and let no one decide for you) or vise versa. There is always a decision between that group or this group in life and sometimes it seems impossible to decide. Yet sometime neither group is correct. It really depends on the person that decides.
                 Yet honestly can't Them and Us just get along at time? Just arguments and arguments trying to dispute which group is right. For once can't both actually look into what the other has to say before shunning their opinion? Can Us vs Them = together? People should just get along. Yet it is a natural reaction to feel that your beliefs are considered true compared to others. Yet people have to be open minded in order to get along with others. A positive and  a negative may be opposites but remember that they attract.