Thursday, October 7, 2010

Us vs. Them... Us and Them

                   Which side would truly win in " Us vs Them". They have the law on there side, but we do whats best for the people. So is doing the right thing over following the rules truly the right decision? This situation come up several times across the Crucible. Mary can't decide to be with them (Abby & the girls) or us(Proctor & the innocent). She could either follow authority but it may result in the loss of innocent lives. She could always do whats right and testify against Abby and save the people but it may fail and she may lose her life. So kill lives and live with it on your conscience or save lives and die trying. In my opinion it might seem better that you died trying to help others by doing the right thing compared to living a lie that will follow you forever. Decisions, decisions....
                  This event exists beyond the Crucible in everyday life. Many times at school itself. Such as peer pressure. Would you be with them (Do everything that "cool" people do) or with us ( Do what you feel is right and let no one decide for you) or vise versa. There is always a decision between that group or this group in life and sometimes it seems impossible to decide. Yet sometime neither group is correct. It really depends on the person that decides.
                 Yet honestly can't Them and Us just get along at time? Just arguments and arguments trying to dispute which group is right. For once can't both actually look into what the other has to say before shunning their opinion? Can Us vs Them = together? People should just get along. Yet it is a natural reaction to feel that your beliefs are considered true compared to others. Yet people have to be open minded in order to get along with others. A positive and  a negative may be opposites but remember that they attract.

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