Thursday, September 30, 2010

John Proctor, Hero or Stooge?

                    John Proctor has earned my respect as a hero. He would truly deserve it. He stands for what he believes in and he lets no one else tell him otherwise, even if it puts him at risk. He always fights for himself and those around him and always seeks to help those in need. Such as Elizabeth and his friends in court. He clearly goes to save his wife and friends from execution. even if it put his life on the line. Someone who is willing to risk everything to help others is a hero in my book.
                   I also like the fact of how he seems to always go with reason instead of making abrupt accusations. He always tries to think logically first instead of yelling out witch or "devil worshiper!"  at every incident. He stands by what he believes in even if it goes against the priest, which is a very risky move in his community. I also admire how he desperately tries to proof his wifes innocence  and doesn't care if people found out about their affair. As long as she was safe it would be fine to him.

                  He in not a puppet for others to control. he doesn't "go with the flow". Much of a free spirit going by what he thinks is right. Instead of playing it safe and following the priest and town, he blatantly tell Parris how he would rather appose him and his teachings. Being on the reverends bad side seems like a very bad idea. Yet it doesn't concern the mighty Proctor. You can learn many things from this man. Though reckless at times I must admit, he doesn't do it out of stupidity but to protect his beliefs. He is a man of principles and any one who wants to change who he is will find it very difficult. He is as hard headed as he might be reckless.

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