Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

                  This sounds outrageous. If any of this were true then it would defy common belief that god is a good being.  If people truly believed this then they would be living in constant fear every day. Honestly with something like that in my mind I could go crazy just from the fear. Any mistake could cause a panic attack, I wouldn't get any sleep at night trying to think if I did anything wrong, and I'd lose whatever freedom that modern civilization would offer.
                  Yet what kind of a life like this is worth living. Devoting your life to a god who would probably just want to destroy you at the second you make a mistake. Another thing is that even though Puritans know what kind of punishment their god gives and how he really just despises all people, how do they know if Heaven would be any better? If he truly believes all people are sinners then why would he create a Heaven? Yet their fear probably keeps them from questioning their god. It seems like a very sad life to me.
                 Despite this belief i think otherwise, I do believe there is a god out there somewhere watching over us, but I doubt that he hates his creations. Depending on what religion you choose, most gods would be considered opposite to what is mentioned in "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God". So I find it a bit ridiculous. If all people truly believed in this then I wonder how society would of been now...

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