Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Moment i Knew I was An American

                    American is such a vague term. There is no single explanation on what an American is. Ask any two people on what an American is and you'll get two different responses. Yet the moment I knew I was an American was the day I was born in Chicago. Just living in the United States and becoming one with  community I knew I was an American. The moment I went to school with everyone else I knew I was an American. The first time i said the pledge of Allegiance, I knew I was an American.
                   To me being an American doesn't come down to silly papers and identification. To be an American you must of assimilated into society where you accept all others and others accept you. I knew I was an American when the people around me saw me as a person. I know I'm an American when i'm not known as a foreigner but as an equal. When people in America see me as Luis and nothing else, I know i'm an American.
                   So I've always been an American. I know because I was born and raised here. Raised among every other culture that lives within the U.S and I didn't see them as Asian, African, or Middle Eastern. I saw them as Americans because we are all part of the society in America. Sure people may separate you from others but they can't say your not an American. So any really can become an American, it just takes longer for them to realize it themselves.

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