Thursday, December 9, 2010

Jay & Nick

                  Jay & Nick are our two main character in The Great Gatsby. Though they are neighbors they seem to live two completely different lifestyles. Jay lives a life of luxury due to his vast amount of wealth while Nick is more of a loner who only goes to where he is wanted. Yet despite that fact I actually find them to be quite similar. They both seem to try to stay out of trouble if you may have noticed. Nick is always feeling like he has to apologize for his every action while Jay sees to throw money at his problems to fix them. They are also very unsocial. Jay may throw these huge parties but he doesn't really get to know anyone. Same goes for Nick who just seem to be there.
                 Now not until recently in the story have the two gotten  to know each other. Yet I feel that Jay is really using Nick to get to Daisy. Yet he tries desperately not to show it. Much like how in Chapter five where he asks Nick to invite Daisy. He clearly want Nick to do it but tries to hide it by saying " I don't want to put you to any trouble". Yet besides Jay's purpose in befriending Nick for Daisy they don't seem to be like a bad match. I haven't read enough to see if they become true friends or not but it seems like a start. They both seem like kind gentlemen and would gladly enjoy helping each other.

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