Tuesday, December 14, 2010

ZOMG Robotz Are Taking Ovar Teh Worldz! Oh Never Mind its Just Daft Punk (Music Review)

          Look at the music you listen to, now back to mine. Now back at your music, now back to mine. Sadly it isn’t mine, but if you listen to Daft Punk it could sound like mine. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re searching through their album, listening to the music  your music couldn't sound like. What did you hear? Back at mine, it’s an album playing something you want to hear. Look again the album is now diamonds. Anything is possible when you listen to something new.
          See them two robots robots over there? -->
Their actually two French musicians called Daft Punk who happen to be an electronic music duo. And yes they do go everywhere wearing those helmets (They like light up and everything but are $65,000 a piece, ouch). Now back to the music. 
    Now if your into lets say techno or electronica,then your right at home. If not then bear with me or they'll find you(look they even have a map out). Just kidding (or am I?). Now does music need lyrics in order to be music? No because many of Daft Punk's songs don't really have any lyrics. You just sit their and enjoy their musical creations. Did you know that Daft Punk had created a animated movie based entirely on their Discovery Album? There is literally no dialogue. Its all music thats been perfectly blended into a story.  If you wanna get the most out the album then I recommend  watching the film ( heres the link, Full Length Movie( Don't Worry its just Google Video))
         I do however find some of the songs to be a bit repetitive at times. Like as if some parts drag on longer then necessary. A good way to cope with this is to treat it like background music. These songs are good to have in the background or listen to while your busy. You can listen to it while walking, on the train, doing work, or just waiting to pass the time. Sooner or later you won't notice the small details in the song and you might even notice that you were moving to the rhythm of the music.
        One of the main reason I find Daft Punk's  music so amusing is that its unique. Compared to todays music theres nothing that stands out above the rest. Daft Punk though seems to keep a variety from one song to another.

         Yet its not up to me to say whether or not their music is "good". I think its great but thats my opinion. So you have to listen yourself so you can find out yourself. You've might of already heard of them before. They were featured in Kayne West's song "Stronger" and even provided the sound track for the upcoming film "Tron Legacy" ( You could notice them in a few scenes). So give a try won't ya? ;) wink. Also a fun song try try to sing along to is Technologic :P


  1. Look at the music you listen to, now back to mine. Now back at your music, now back to mine. Sadly it isn’t mine, but if you listen to Daft Punk could sound like mine. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re searching through their album, listening to the music your music couldn't sound like. What did you hear? Back at mine, it’s an album playing something you want to hear. Look again the album is now diamonds. Anything is possible when you listen to something new.--->best thing ever! so amazing u put this in your music review! i love that commercial!

  2. I agree. I like the idea of the music being the most important element. They are masked men- they don't even appear in their videos! How refreshing in an era where celebrity is often more important that the actual art.
