Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thankful for a Classmate

                        Thanks Giving has come and gone yet as it passed it reminded us to be thankful. Not only to be thankful for the food(which I say was quite delicious) but to the people around us.  Yet must we be truly thankful for only one person? I can't decide for who to be thankful for. I am equally thankful for the class as I would be for each person. I'm not saying it to just be cheesy but it's true.
                        We all know that we would probably be most thankful for those we sit next too but what about the people across the room? They could be just as great as the people on our side without us knowing. So I am thankful for the class as a whole. If i can't choose one then why not all of the above? Also by the whole class that includes Mr. McCarthy too. So enjoy the holidays!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Am I a Plow?

        Lets start of by defining what a plow is.
             -The plough (American spelling: plow; both ) is a tool used in farming for initial  
              cultivation of soil in preparation for sowing seed or planting. It has been a basic 
              instrument for most of recorded history, and represents one of the major 
              advances in agriculture. ...

        It seems to me that I can very much relate to a plow(though not physically). I may not plant seeds wherever I pass but I do plant something. To every person I meet, no matter how brief the moment, I always leave behind a memory. In time that memory may eventually fade but in some cases that memory will grow and be forever permanent in a persons mind. It may be a good memory or a bad one, nonetheless my encounters with any person I meet will leave a memory.
         I'm pretty sure I myself am not a major advance in agriculture yet I am a major advance from previous generations. I'm not trying to brag but its true. Compared to previous generations I have been pretty successful. Not just me but almost everyone. Today many people have had a superb education if you compare it to education 20 years ago.
         Saying that we could be considered as instruments. Every actions we do has some effect for the future. Whether it be large or small but we always leave something behind for the future. Some say the the purpose for the present is to improve our future. A bit ironic ain't it? Much like how a plow cultivates the land to prepare for the seeds that will be planted in the near future. So a plow and I have some things in common.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Direction the Class Needs( Maybe that way ---> or that way <-----)

                 Our class start 2nd period meaning for many of us, the start of the day. Yet I don't seem to mind. American Lit is a great way to start up the day. When we start up with our journals it allows us to slowly but surely get our minds into gear. It's like breakfast for our minds because it stimulates our minds. Plus there no big rush in the class. When we arrive everything is mellow and calm with music in the background as an added benefit. Also I find the weekend stories enjoyable.
                Then we get into our class disscussion. I love that everyone has the oppurtunity to speak there mind. Few agreements and disagreements but it adds to the conversation. You get everyones opinion and not just the teachers. I also enjoy how our teacher adds humor into the discussion which gives everyone a chuckle here and there.
                I personally find the class fine as it is. I don't really see any need for improvement. It's a great way to start the morning and it's enjoyable too. So keep up the great work!

Friday, November 5, 2010

I Sentence You to 26 Hours of Work, 9 Days a Week! No Overtime...

                        Does slavery truly exist nowadays or is it in terms in which we cannot see?
Definitions of slavery on the Web:
  • bondage: the state of being under the control of another person
  • the practice of owning slaves
  • work done under harsh conditions for little or no pay
            Now lets see this definition "bondage: the state of being under the control of another person". We can still see this today but instead of just one person, it is several. Many U.S citizens are in dept through credit cards, tuition, bills, payments, and much more. So what do they do? They work days and night trying to pay off such depts and hardly make enough profit to sustain themselves. There is no choice of whether or not to pay those dept, they have to.
           If they decide not to pay , they'll lose everything they have including personal possessions. The credit card companies don't care whether you only get 4 hours of sleep or if you become homeless, they only care if you pay them what you owe. So these companies or dept collecters don't directly have slaves but in a sense they do. They have people working throughout their lives to make money for them, whether or not the person working for them is making a living or not.
          So is slavery truly gone or it has just taken a new form?


     I am aware that there is "real" slavery in the world but i'm really focusing on a version of slavery that is considered to be overlooked. It may not be life threatening but certainly could be devastating. Also you don't have to use credit cards but some people have no choice but to. Either use a credit card now so your family has something to eat or cut into what little savings they have. Yet there comes the question of "why borrow money you're not sure you can pay back?". Easier said then done. Doesn't the United States alone owe trillions of dollars to other countries which it hasn't paid back?