Thursday, September 30, 2010

John Proctor, Hero or Stooge?

                    John Proctor has earned my respect as a hero. He would truly deserve it. He stands for what he believes in and he lets no one else tell him otherwise, even if it puts him at risk. He always fights for himself and those around him and always seeks to help those in need. Such as Elizabeth and his friends in court. He clearly goes to save his wife and friends from execution. even if it put his life on the line. Someone who is willing to risk everything to help others is a hero in my book.
                   I also like the fact of how he seems to always go with reason instead of making abrupt accusations. He always tries to think logically first instead of yelling out witch or "devil worshiper!"  at every incident. He stands by what he believes in even if it goes against the priest, which is a very risky move in his community. I also admire how he desperately tries to proof his wifes innocence  and doesn't care if people found out about their affair. As long as she was safe it would be fine to him.

                  He in not a puppet for others to control. he doesn't "go with the flow". Much of a free spirit going by what he thinks is right. Instead of playing it safe and following the priest and town, he blatantly tell Parris how he would rather appose him and his teachings. Being on the reverends bad side seems like a very bad idea. Yet it doesn't concern the mighty Proctor. You can learn many things from this man. Though reckless at times I must admit, he doesn't do it out of stupidity but to protect his beliefs. He is a man of principles and any one who wants to change who he is will find it very difficult. He is as hard headed as he might be reckless.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

                  This sounds outrageous. If any of this were true then it would defy common belief that god is a good being.  If people truly believed this then they would be living in constant fear every day. Honestly with something like that in my mind I could go crazy just from the fear. Any mistake could cause a panic attack, I wouldn't get any sleep at night trying to think if I did anything wrong, and I'd lose whatever freedom that modern civilization would offer.
                  Yet what kind of a life like this is worth living. Devoting your life to a god who would probably just want to destroy you at the second you make a mistake. Another thing is that even though Puritans know what kind of punishment their god gives and how he really just despises all people, how do they know if Heaven would be any better? If he truly believes all people are sinners then why would he create a Heaven? Yet their fear probably keeps them from questioning their god. It seems like a very sad life to me.
                 Despite this belief i think otherwise, I do believe there is a god out there somewhere watching over us, but I doubt that he hates his creations. Depending on what religion you choose, most gods would be considered opposite to what is mentioned in "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God". So I find it a bit ridiculous. If all people truly believed in this then I wonder how society would of been now...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

There Goes The Neighborhood!

                     People in my neighborhood most often keep to themselves.Yet most of my neighborhood is mainly Hispanic. Though we always get along during block parties. Everyone seems to get along just fine since we're all Hispanic. Yet I'm not sure how my neighborhood would react if we threw Asians or Middle Easterns into the mix.
                     Sure we're not considered racist but people are naturally scared of what they don't know. My neighborhood is mostly quiet and peaceful so I wouldn't expect a large reaction from the neighborhood.  Yet if we kept to ourselves even though we have similar culture, they may treat the new neighbors as outcasts. People would most likely avoid them at first. Yet my opinion differs from my neighborhood.
                     I for one have many friends of many cultures and I enjoy having them. Instead of fearing diverse cultures I welcome them because their diversity is what makes them interesting. You've got to know them before you have the right to dislike them but sadly my neighborhood might not have had the chance to do so.  School really does help you in these situations for it is full of many diverse students of all kinds.
                     Yet over all my neighborhood would not create an angry mob with pitch forks and torches and chase our new neighbors out. Well at least I hope they don't. My prediction would be that the new neighbors would most likely be ignored for a while. Yet sooner or later we would grow used to their presence and get to know each other during our neighborhood events such as block parties. In the end i'm sure it would all end fine.

Friday, September 10, 2010


                 Hello everyone. My name is Luis Mendoza. I was born in September 25, 1994. My hobbies consist of fishing, sometimes reading (depends if I find a good book or not), video games, and much more. To be the honest I was known by everyone in my old school (I mean everyone, students, staff, and teachers) so I’m a nice guy.

My favorite sport would possibly be basketball (My height does help) but that doesn’t mean I won’t try any others. I’m an open minded person. I listen to all forms of music consisting of rap, pop, techno, and any other thing you could think of. People have known me to be trustworthy, friendly, and funny if you get to know me and I stand to withhold that title. So feel free to approach me.

I do however have distaste for teenaged pop stars. I don’t know why but they just annoy me. My favorite subject would be math. I am very handy at solving puzzles and such. I am also of Mexican decent but I speak fluent English and a decent amount of Spanish.

I also love the outdoors. Sure I may be cooped up at home many times but I do love walking about the parks or forest preserves. Nature is just awesome to me. So that’s all I got to say. Hopefully if everything goes well American Literature will be a blast.